Please do not rely on this information which may be out of date. The last significant update was in 2019.
Friends of Cecil Sharp House
Friends of Cecil Sharp House
Folk dance clubs
07949 147165
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FCSH works to support EFDSS in its aim of promoting and preserving knowledge of and participation in English folk dance, song and music in its traditional form. Over the years, it has contributed substantial amounts for the fabric of the House and made grants to fund events, outreach work in schools and instruments for the classes at CSH. Most recently, we contributed £10,000 towards the restoration of Kennedy Hall. We have pioneered or helped to build up many things that have become a tradition at the House - such as May in a Day and the Family Ceilidh series - and look forward to future initiatives.
At present, we are concentrating on providing opportunities for more experienced dancers / those who wish to improve their dancing in a workshop series, 'Playford Past & Present', that also marks the Pat Shaw centenary. But watch this space!
If you would like to join the Friends, please contact Judith de Witt: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Membership is inexpensive and will give you a discount on all our events.