Please do not rely on this information which may be out of date. The last significant update was in 2019.
Illogan Folk Dance Club
Illogan Folk Dance Club
Folk dance clubs
Illogan, Redruth
01872 520368, 01209 217918
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Illogan Folk Dance Club
Illogan Folk Dance Club meets on 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of each month, starting at 7.30pm
From 7 January 2016 the venue will be The Old School Centre, Nance Lane, Illogan, Redruth, TR16 4BB.
We are all very excited with the new venue. A warm welcome is extended to all our regular club members, but in particular to new members to come and join us. Frances Oates is our resident caller with a wealth of experience in calling. Frances is well known throughout the country for her expert calling skills.